



序論( ここに愛がある ) + タイトルⅠ( 神を愛さない人々を神は愛する )

タイトルⅠ( 神を愛さない人々を神は愛する )

タイトルⅡ( 唯一なる神からその愛は来る )

タイトルⅢ(  ) Coming soon 準備出来次第アップします。

タイトルⅣ(  ) Coming soon 準備出来次第アップします。

タイトルⅤ(  ) Coming soon 準備出来次第アップします。

タイトルⅥ(  ) Coming soon 準備出来次第アップします。

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“Herein is Love”

Charles Haddon Spurgeon January 19, 1896Scripture: 1 John 4:10From: Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit Volume 42

“Herein is Love”

“Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us, and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins.” — 1 John iv. 10.

ARE there not scenes and circumstances which now and then transpire before us that prompt an exclamation like that of the apostle, “Herein is love”? When we have seen the devotedness of a mother to her children, when we have marked the affection of friend for friend, and caught a glimpse in different human relationships of the kindness that exists in human hearts, wo have said, “Herein is love!” Yesterday, these words seemed to rise up and float upon my tongue, although I did not use them, for they seemed to be consecrated to something higher than creature affection. I had the painful duty of attending the Abney Park Cemetery, to bury a beloved sister in Christ, one of the most useful women we had among us; and as I stood there to commit her body to the grave, I was pleased,— I cannot tell you how I was beyond measure pleased, on that dark foggy day, at that distance from town, to find nearly a hundred, mostly poor people, gathered there to show their respect to their friend, who had helped in many cases to feed them and clothe them, and in every instance had tried to point them to Christ. There were thousands of tears shed of the sincerest and most heavenly kind. Whilst conducting the service, I could not help feeling not only a sympathy with her bereaved husband, but with those who had been the objects of our sister’s care,— men and women, who perhaps had given up a day’s work, and walked long dreary miles in the unpropitious weather of yesterday, that they might come and mingle their tears together over the dust of one who, as a Christian woman, had served them well. I could not help thinking, and it suggested the text to me, “Herein is love!” Seeing what love had done, and seeing how love comes back in return, I said within myself, when love has learned its way into one bosom, it scatters its seed and fructifies in the hearts of hundreds more. Love begets love; let it once begin, and none can tell its end.

     But the words were too sacred for me to use, even at that solemn service, though they came up so suddenly to the surface of my mind. The apostle had consecrated them to another love, still higher, more profound, more perfect, and more celestial. I shall ask you to-night to look at and consider the wonder which the apostle discovered, and made him, with uplifted hands, exclaim, “Herein is love!”

     The wonder, he tells us, which astonished him was not that we loved God; for suppose that all men had loved God, what wonder would there have been in it? God created us. We are wonderful specimens of his power and wisdom. The various devices for securing our comfort and maintaining us in life, the devices within the body and without the body, the way in which the whole world is made to be the servant of man, so that, as George Herbert says, —

“Man is one world, and hath another to attend him,”

these tokens of benevolence ought to have made all men love God. If every creature who sprang from the loins of Adam had lived a perfect life of obedience, and had continually reverenced the God who made him and supplied his needs, there would not have been anything so very remarkable in the fact, for God deserves the love of all his creatures. Making his sun to shine upon us, and giving us fruitful seasons, keeping us in life, and preserving us from going down into the pit, we ought to love him; and if we did, it would not be anything to excite astonishment.

     And, beloved brethren, when the grace of God comes into the human heart, casts Satan out of it, and renders us capable of loving God, there is nothing very surprising in our loving him. I shall not ask you to think of the ordinary love which there is in common Christians. Indeed, the wonder about it is that it should be so ordinary, so little, so faint. It is a great wonder, to be spoken of with tears, that God should do so much for us, and that we should love him so little in return. Watts did well to pen those lines, —

“Dear Lord! and shall we ever lie
At this poor dying rate?
Our love so faint, so cold to thee,
And thine to us so great?

“Come, Holy Spirit, heavenly Dove,
With all thy quickening powers,
Come, shed abroad a Saviour’s love,
And that shall kindle ours.”

But now, think of the truly earnest missionary; think of such men as Carey, or Moffat, or John Williams, — men who give up all the comforts of life, all the hopes of emolument, and go forth amongst a barbarous people, to suffer insult, perhaps to meet with death for Christ’s sake. They brave the terrors of fever and pestilence; they pass through jungles; they dare tempestuous seas; no mountains are too high, no weathers are too stern to deter them. They force their way into the centre of Africa, or high up amongst the Esquimaux, if they may but tell of the love of Jesus to dying men. It may seem very wonderful to us, but if you come to think of it, compared with what Christ has done for them, they may, and they usually do, sit down and confess that they have done nothing whereof to glory. They have done only what it was their duty to have done, and they all confess that they fall short of the service which Christ deserves. Though we might say, in a modified sense, “Herein is love,” yet, after all, it is but faintly spoken, for it is but comparatively true.

     As we have read Foxe’s Book of Martyrs, or some other history of the saints, and conned the story of their confessing Christ before the Inquisitors, singing joyful hymns when their bones were out of joint upon the rack, or standing boldly up upon the blazing faggots while their flesh was being consumed, still testifying to the preciousness of Christ, have we not said, “Herein is love”? Well might we say so as we contrasted our love with theirs; but after all, if you will but think a minute, it is a little thing for a man to be willing to burn to death for one who saved him from everlasting burning. ’Tis sharp work, but it is soon over, and the reward makes up for it all, while grace sustains the sufferer under the fiery trial. There is nothing, even in the love of martyrs, worthy of praise when compared with the exceeding love of Christ. These are stars; let them hide their heads in the presence of the Sun. These are all sweet flowers; yet compare them not with the Rose of Sharon and the Lily of the Valley, whose fragrance fills both earth and heaven. Those whose spiritual senses are qualified to judge forget all else while they stand entranced before this one gathering up of everything that is lovely, and cry, “Herein is love!”

     Oh! this love of Christ; it is beyond all degree, standard, or compass. In comparison with it, other love, high and noble as that other love may be, dwindles into insignificance. Then let me ask you now, somewhat more in detail, to think of the love of God in Christ Jesus towards us, as the text sets it forth.

     I. The love of God is LOVE TO THOSE WHO DO NOT LOVE HIM. “Not that wo loved God, but that he loved us.” When God loves those who love him, it seems to be according to the law of nature; but when he loves those who do not love him, this must be above even all laws, — it is according, certainly, to the extraordinary rule of grace, and grace alone. There was not a man on earth who loved God. There was none that did good, — no, not one; and yet the Lord fixed the eye of his electing love upon sinners in whom there was no thought of loving him. No more love to God is there in an unrenewed heart than there is of life within a piece of granite. No more of love to God is there within the soul that is unsaved than there is of fire within the depths of the ocean’s waves; and here forsooth is the wonder, that when we had no love to God, he should have loved us. This is a mild way of expressing it, for instead of loving God, my brethren, you and I withheld from him the poorest tribute of homage. We were careless, indifferent. Days and weeks passed over our heads in which we hardly thought of God. If there had not been any God, it would not have made much difference to us as to our thoughts, and habits, and conversation. God was not in all our thoughts; and, perhaps, if somebody could have informed us that God was dead, we should have thought it a fine piece of news, for then we could live as we liked, and need not be under any fear of being judged by him. Instead of loving God, though now we rejoice that he loves us, we rebelled against him. Which of his laws have we not broken? We cannot put our finger upon one command without being compelled to acknowledge that we have violated its claims, or come short of its demands.

     I do not want to dilate upon a general doctrine to-night, I rather want to press home to the conscience of every man here that God loves him. You know very well that God did not love you because you loved him, for there was not— you will confess it painfully, — anything like love to God in you, but much, very much, that sprang from natural enmity and aversion to him. Why, then, did he love you? Men do not generally love those who hate them, those who spite them, those who give them ill names; and yet God loved us! Why, there are some of the Lord’s people that God loved who, before conversion, used to curse him to his face! The Sabbath-day was the day they took for sensual pleasure. They were drunkards; they were unclean; they were everything that is vile; and yet he loved them! Oh, the wonder of this! When they were reeking in the kennels of sin, — when there was no sin too black and too vile for them to commit, — God loved them. Oh, never dream that he began to love you when you began to love him! Oh, no! but it was because he loved you hard and fast, when you were revelling in your sin, that his love put its arms around you, lifted you out of your sin, and made you what you are. Oh, but this is good tidings to some of you! Perhaps you are still, as all God’s people once were, living in sin. You hardly know why you have strayed in here, but perhaps, while you sit and listen, you may hear that God has loved you. Oh, that it may come to be true, that you may prove to be one of his chosen people, whom he loves even though in sin, and whom he will love till you come out of sin, and turn to Christ and get pardon for it! Pray, dear Christian people, pray that it may be so. God hears prayer. Put up the prayer silently now, — “Lord, attract some of thy chosen people to Christ to-night; let some who never thought of him, but were bent on sinning rather than of being brought to God, see Jesus, and find salvation though him.” “Herein is love;” God loved the unlovely, the hateful, the vile, the depraved, and loved them though they loved not him.



「ここに愛がある。私たちが神を愛していたのではなく、神が私たちを愛し、ご自身の御子を私たちの罪の贖いとしてお遣わしになった。」— 1ヨハネ4:10





「親愛なる主よ、私たちは永遠に この貧しい死にゆく状態で横たわるのでしょうか? 私たちの愛はあまりにも淡く、冷たくて あなたの愛は私たちにとって大いなるものであるのに。」




I. 神の愛は、自分を愛さない者に対する愛です。「私たちが神を愛していたのではなく、神が私たちを愛していた。」神が自分を愛する者を愛するのは自然の法則に従うように見えますが、神が自分を愛さない者を愛するのは、すべての法則を超え、特に恵みの特別な規則に従います。地上には神を愛する人間はいませんでした。善を行う者もいませんでした — 一人もいませんでした。しかし、神は選びの愛を罪人に注ぎました。その罪人の中には神を愛する思いは全くありませんでした。未改心の心の中には神を愛するものは、花崗岩の中に命があるかのようにありません。救われていない魂の中には、海の深い波の中に火があるかのように、神を愛するものはありません。そのような状態で、私たちが神を愛することがなかったにもかかわらず、神が私たちを愛したというのは驚くべきことです。これは穏やかな表現です。私たちが神を愛する代わりに、兄弟姉妹よ、あなたと私たちは神に最も貧しい敬意さえも捧げなかったのです。私たちは無関心であり、気にかけていませんでした。日々、週々が過ぎ去り、神について考えることはほとんどありませんでした。もし神が存在しなかったとしても、私たちの思考や習慣、会話にはあまり影響しなかったでしょう。神が私たちの思考の中にいなかったのです。もし誰かが神が死んだと知らせてくれたなら、それは素晴らしいニュースのように思えたかもしれません。そうすれば、私たちは好きなように生きることができ、神に裁かれる恐れもありませんでした。神を愛する代わりに、今は神が私たちを愛していることを喜んでいる私たちは、神に反抗していました。神のどの律法を破らなかったでしょうか?一つの戒めを指し示すことができず、その要求を満たしていないことを認めざるを得ません。

今夜、一般的な教義について詳しく話したいわけではありません。むしろ、ここにいるすべての人の良心に神が愛していることを強調したいと思います。神があなたを愛したのは、あなたが神を愛していたからではありません。あなたの中には神への愛は存在せず、自然な敵意や嫌悪が多くありました。では、なぜ神があなたを愛されたのでしょうか?一般に、人々は自分を憎む者、悪口を言う者、悪名を付ける者を愛することはありません。それなのに、神は私たちを愛されたのです。神の民の中には、改宗前に神を顔に向かって呪っていた者もいます!安息日は感覚的な楽しみのためのものであり、彼らは酔っ払い、不潔で、すべてが卑しいものでした。それでも神は彼らを愛されたのです!これは驚くべきことです!彼らが罪の汚れの中にひどく漬かっていたとき — どんなに黒く、卑しい罪を犯しても、神は彼らを愛されたのです。神が愛を始めたのは、あなたが愛し始めたときではありません!いいえ、神があなたを愛し続け、罪に溺れていたときに、その愛があなたを抱き上げ、罪から引き上げて、今のあなたにしたのです。これが良い知らせです!おそらく、あなたはまだ罪の中に生きているかもしれません。なぜここに迷い込んだのかわからないかもしれませんが、座って聞いている間に、神があなたを愛していることを聞くかもしれません。それが本当であり、あなたが神の選ばれた人となり、罪から抜け出し、キリストに向かって振り向き、その罪を赦されることを願います!愛するクリスチャンの皆さん、そうなるように祈ってください。神は祈りを聞いてくださいます。今、静かに祈りを捧げてください。「主よ、あなたの選ばれた人々を今夜キリストのもとに引き寄せ、彼について考えたことのない者たちが、罪に陥ることよりも神に引き寄せられ、イエスを見て救いを見出しますように。」 「ここに愛がある」 — 神は愛されるに値しない者、憎まれる者、卑しい者、堕落した者を愛され、彼らが神を愛さなくても愛されたのです。
